Thursday, January 20, 2011

glad it's thursday

- new herringbone tights from the j.crew outlet for $3
- a pair of crooked barn houses in lake hills

at the moment i am eating a bowl of minced beef congee from wonton city. it is totally hitting the spot (and burning the roof of my mouth as well). i thought i would never go back there because they were extremely rude last time, but the congee is just too good that i couldn't stay away - and they were surprisingly nice to me today. maybe also because i tried to smile an extra bit.

i woke up this morning with two very sore legs (the kind where it hurts to walk down the stairs) - super confused about it because i haven't exercised much since i went skiing like 6 days ago. and then realized that it must be from all the squatting i did the past two days while dyeing hangers at anthro. haha, sounds a bit wussy, but i guess i did do almost 8 hours of squats!

this week has been crazy (and by week i really mean the past 2 days). school has been a bit more stressful than i imagined - and i'm only taking one class! every stitch or cut i make into the fabric makes me a bit nervous, like there's so much pressure for everything to be perfect or i won't get a good grade. haha, but it's pretty fun. i'll take some pictures soon, but for now we're just practicing darts and pockets and different stitches. i'm slowly building up confidence about using the crazy machines so i think it'll be less stressful from here on out. at least i don't have a mild heart attack everytime i press down on the foot pedal anymore. i also found this little bistro on campus where all the culinary kids get their practice on - so i'm going to try it for lunch tomorrow when i go into the lab.

i'm tempted to make some cookies now, but i really should work on a shop update. it's been really neglected lately...and sometimes i get sad if i don't sell anything for a couple weeks. although it's my fault since i haven't been working on it - guess i can't just expect everything to magically sell. =) this was all a bit random (especially the pictures) but happy thursday!

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