Friday, April 13, 2012

winding down and moving out

(the awesome view from peter's room at the millenium hilton)

hi, it's been a while. there's only one more month left in the semester! in the next couple of weeks i'll try to remember to take pictures of what i've been doing at school, and hopefully i'll have some more interesting stuff to share now that we're starting to work on our final projects. nothing fancy - just a couple garments that incorporate really basic pattern making and draping techniques we've learned over the semester.

outside of school, peter visited this past week and we did a lot of apartment hunting. at first it was new and fun to see all these apartments, and we finally found one that we fell in love with....but then we found out that they don't allow dogs. so now it's starting to get a little discouraging - but i'm sure that God has his hand in every little detail, including where we live. sometimes it's just so hard to see the bigger picture.

i finally decided to do a summer internship at dieppa restrepo so i'll be working there 3 days a week during the summer. i'm super excited because i love their shoes and for now, they're quite small (only 3 people!) so i'm sure i'll learn a lot. i kept going back and forth between interning at a huge designer or a smaller one, and in the end i think i'll learn and experience more at a smaller company.

so that's all for now - summer is finally here in nyc, and hopefully it's here to stay! i'm a little scared because it's supposed to be the "hottest summer ever" but we'll see. can't be that bad right? =)

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